Oregon State Grange

Company Description

When Grange began in 1867 most rural people were farmers, and many Grange activities involved agricultural concerns. But even then Grange was primarily a Community Organization.

Today we are still a Community Organization, answering local needs, as each Grange sees fit, within the interests and abilities of each Grange’s membership. We are a Community Organization with our roots in Agriculture, but the majority of our membership, and our activities, are not centered on farming.

Grange provides an opportunity for neighbors to meet together, enriching our connections with social, educational, and entertaining opportunities. It also allows us to work together to better our community. Granges are family friendly, are open to all, have had equal membership for women for our beginnings over 150 years ago, and do not associate with any particular religion or political party.

Stop by at a local Grange Event and meet us. Find out what activities your Grange holds and help bring neighbors together. Every Grange is unique and welcoming.

Our Grange Halls have acted as community centers for Oregon’s rural residents for over 150 years, and today our memberships are growing……….

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Professional Services

  • Consultants

Community Groups & Organizations

  • Community Groups & Organizations